000.1 – Trailer – Welcome to Our Dead Dads!


Do you have a dead dad? I do. Was your dad the perfect father? Was he everything you hoped and expected he would be when you were a child? Was he always there for you, making sure you stayed on the right path, giving you the foundation, guidance and wisdom you needed to become the person you are today? If the answers to all of those questions are yes, then congratulations! You won the dad lottery and you are in the extreme minority! For the rest of us who weren’t so lucky, let me talk to you. Ladies and gentleman, I am launching a new podcast in June called Our Dead Dads. 

Get ready to help me turn things upside down and get ready to be pushed out of your comfort zone. If you’ve been getting crushed under grief that you never fully processed or didn’t process at all or if you know someone else who falls into that bucket, then you all need to put this podcast high on your list of new shows to listen to. My name is Nick Gaylord and I’m your host. Join me on what may prove to be the most uncomfortable ride you’ve ever been on, and one that you’ll tell everyone about afterwards. Welcome to Our Dead Dads.


000.2 – Introduction – Who am I and why am I here?